Lunes, Oktubre 31, 2016

Conjugaison verbe TO BE


Dans le cours d'anglais d'aujourd'hui, il n'est pas question de grammaire anglaise ou encore de vocabulaire. Nous allons tous simplement faire un petit rappel sur la conjugaison et principalement, la conjugaison anglaise du verbe TO BE


Conjugaison de BE

Forme Affirmative Forme Négative Forme Interrogative
I am (I'm) I am not (I'm not) Am I?
You are (You're) You are not (You aren't) Are you?
He is (He's) He is not (He isn't) Is he?
She is (She's) She is not (She isn't) Is she?
It is (It's) It is not (It isn't) Is it?
We are (We're) We are not (We aren't) Are we?
You are (You're) You are not (You aren't) Are you?
They are (They're) They are not (They aren't) Are they?


Conjugaison de DO (verbe exemple)

Forme Affirmative Forme Négative Forme Interrogative
I do I do not do(I don't do) Do I do?
You do You do not do(You don't do) Are you?
He does He does not do(He doesn't do) Does he do?
She does) She does not do(She doesn't do) Does she do?
It does It does not do(It doesn't do) Does it do?
We do We do not do(We don't do) Do we do?
You do You do not do(You don't do) Do you do?
They do They do not do(They don't do) Do they do?






I work I don't work Do I work … ?
You work You don't work Do you work… ?
He works He doesn't work Does he work… ?
She works She doesn't work Does she work… ?
It works It doesn't work Does it work… ?
We work We don't work Do we work… ?
You work You don't work Do you work… ?
They work They don't work Do they work… ?
Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative

A la troisième personne du singulier, on ajoute un –s à la base verbale, à la forme affirmative

  • He reads

  • She works

Lorsque le verbe se termine par –s, -x, -sh, -ch, ou par –o, on ajoute –es.

  • She watches

  • She washes

  • She mixes

  • She goes

  • She does

Aux formes négative et interrogative, le verbe est en base verbale et c'est l'auxiliaire qui prend la marque de la troisième personne.

  • Does she work?

  • She doesn't work.


Le présent simple s'emploie pour exprimer :

  • Des vérités générales

    • The sun rises in the East : le soleil se lève àl'Est.

  • La permanence d'une situation :

    • I live in France : J'habite en France.

  • Les habitudes ou la fréquence :

    • I usually get up at 7.00 : d'habitude, je me lève à sept heures.

    • He plays tennis twice a week : il joue au tennis deux fois par semaine.

  • Une opinion, un goût, une volonté :

    • I think : je pense

    • I agree : je suis d'accord

    • I like : j'aime

    • I know : je sais

    • I remember : je me souviens




I am working I am not working Am I working?
You are working You aren't working Are you working?
He is working He isn't working Is he working?
She is working She isn't working Is she working?
It is working It isn't working Is it working?
We are working We aren't working Are we working?
You are working You aren't working Are you working?
They are working They aren't working Are they working?
Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative


  • Pour commenter une action en cours de déroulement

    • She is preparing dinner : elle prépare le diner en ce moment.

  • Pour exprimer une action prévue dans un avenir proche

    • What are you doing this weekend? : que fais-tu ce week end? (quels sont tes projets?)

  • La forme en Be-ing est incompatible avec des verbes qui expriment des goûts (like, love, hate…) ou des processus de pensée (want, know, remember, understand…)

Huwebes, Oktubre 27, 2016

Apprendre l'anglais : Le prétérit


Le prétérit en anglais est un des deux temps passé les plus utilisé (le deuxième étant le present perfect).

On utilise le prétérit pour parler d'une action dans un passé révolu, c'est à dire quand l'action est clairement définie dans le passé et qu'il n'y a pas de lien avec le présent. Souvent, il y a une date ou un marqueur de temps comme « yesterday », « last week », « two years ago » etc.

Le prétérit simple correspond en général au passé composé (J'ai vu, tu as mangé…) mais il peut aussi traduire un passé simple (il prit, il tombèrent, vous finîtes…) ou plus rarement un imparfait.

C'est un temps un peu difficile car de nombreux verbes sont irréguliers. Vous retiendrez quand même que ces verbes irréguliers ne sont différents au prétérit qu'à la forme affirmative. Inutile de vous en préoccuper dans les questions et les phrases négatives.

De plus, la forme du verbe est la même à toutes les personnes : si vous savez conjuguer un verbe au prétérit simple à une personne, vous connaissez obligatoirement la conjugaison de ce verbe à toutes les personnes !

Vous reconnaitrez les verbes réguliers conjugués au préterit simple car ils se terminent par -ED. Autrement dit la terminaison des verbes réguliers au prétérit simple est -ED à toutes les personnes.

Vous devez utiliser le prétérit simple pour parler d'actions qui ont eu lieu dans le passé, qui sont datées et terminées. Ces actions n'ont pas de rapport avec le présent.

Vous remarquerez qu'il s'emploie avec certains marqueurs de temps comme “yesterday, last night, last Monday, two months ago”, et tous leurs composés. C'est très logique puisque comme vous venez de le voir, si l'action est datée vous devez employer le préterit. C'est également le temps du passé que vous choisirez avec des dates précises comme “in 1256”.

Le prétérit simple est le temps qu'il vous faudra pour parler d'action répétées dans le passé ou d'habitudes.


Le choix entre prétérit simple et prétérit en be+ing est-il une question de niveau de langue ? À quels temps français correspondent ces deux temps passés : passé simple, passé composé ou imparfait ? Si vous n'êtes pas certain de pouvoir répondre à ces questions sans hésiter, ce qui suit vous rafraîchira la mémoire.


Formation du prétérit simple

fleche-rouge À la forme affirmative

On utilise la base verbale, soit l'infinitif sans to auquel on ajoute ed à toutes les personnes, sauf pour les verbes irréguliers qu'il faut connaître.

He liked the Simpsons when he was a child.

Un conseil : à l'oral, soignez la prononciation du ed final. Il est important qu'il s'entende pour comprendre que la situation décrite est révolue. Cette terminaison est souvent mal prononcée par les francophones, ce qui peut gêner la compréhension du message. La règle est pourtant simple !

Les trois prononciations possibles :

ed se prononce [d] après toutes les voyelles et la plupart des consonnes sonores.

ed se prononce [t] après les consonnes [p], [f], [s], [k] et [∫] (blush).

ed se prononce [Id] uniquement après [t] ou [d], rajoutant ainsi une syllabe à la base verbale.

Testez-vous ! Comment prononcez-vous ed dans Manchester United ? [Id], bien sûr !

fleche-rouge À la forme interrogative

On doit employer did, qui est un auxiliaire, suivi de la base verbale. C'est l'auxiliaire qui porte alors la marque du prétérit et la distinction entre verbes réguliers et irréguliers n'intervient plus.

Did he like the Simpsons when he was a child?

fleche-rouge À la forme négative

On ajoute la négation not à l'auxiliaire did, que l'on peut contracter par didn't.

He didn't like the Simpsons when he was a child.

fleche-rouge Used to

C'est une forme de prétérit qui indique une rupture totale avec le présent, ce qui était vrai dans le passé ne l'est plus maintenant. On peut le traduire par “avant… mais ce n'est plus le cas”.

I used to like horror films but now I prefer comedies. (Avant, j'aimais bien les films d'horreur mais maintenant je préfère les comédies.)

There used to be a bus station outside my house. (Avant, il y avait un arrêt de bus devant ma maison.)

Formation du prétérit en be+ing

fleche-rouge À la forme affirmative

On utilise l'auxiliaire be et on accole ing au verbe.

Vérifiez que vous connaissez la conjugaison de be au prétérit (I/he/she/it was – you/we were).

I was reading.

fleche-rouge À la forme interrogative

On inverse le sujet et l'auxiliaire be pour former une question.

Were you reading?

fleche-rouge À la forme négative

On intercale la négation not entre l'auxiliaire et le verbe en ing à la forme négative. Les contractions sont possibles à l'oral (wasn't – weren't).

He wasn't reading.

Quand les employer ?

Le prétérit simple permet de présenter l'action comme un fait totalement coupé du présent. Retenez que l'emploi du prétérit indique simplement que c'est du passé, que l'action soit révolue depuis quelques secondes ou depuis des siècles.

He left two hours ago. (Cela fait deux heures qu'il est parti.)

Le prétérit be+ing s'emploie pour décrire une action en cours de déroulement dans le passé.

He was having breakfast when I arrived. (Il prenait son petit-déjeuner quand je suis arrivé.)

Sabado, Oktubre 22, 2016

Les Parties du Corps en Anglais – La tête Le visage…


Le corps humain en anglais

Fiche de vocabulaire anglais, niveau débutant.

Dans cette fiche de vocabulaire, nous allons voir les principales parties du corps humain. Sous cette image vous trouverez une liste plus détaillée des différentes parties du corps humain et de leurs traductions.

Le visage – The face

The head = la tête

Chin = menton

Cheeks = joues

Forehead = front

Mouth = bouche

Lips = lèvres

A tooth = une dent (au pluriel : teeth)

Hair = les cheveux (Attention, c'est un indénombrable. On le laisse au singulier. Par exemple, pour dire « mes cheveux » on dit « my hair« .)

The eyes = les yeux

Eyebrows = sourcils

Eyelashes = cils

Nose = nez

Ears = oreilles

Neck = cou

Throat = gorge

Le corps – The body

Anglais Français
Head Tête
Neck Cou, Nuque
Throat Gorge
chest Poitrine, thorax
Nipple Téton, mamelon, bout du sein
Navel, Bellybutton Nombril
Armpit Aisselle
Arm Bras
Wrist Poignet
Abdomen, Stomach, Belly Ventre
Elbow Coude
Hip Hanche
Thigh Cuisse
Knee Genou
Leg Jambe
Shoulder Epaule
Shoulder blade Omoplate
Back Dos
Buttocks Fesses
Behind, butt Arrière train, arrière, fesse
Calf Mollet
Breast Sein
Penis Pénis
Vagina Vagin


Le tronc – The trunk

Belly = ventre

Navel = bellybutton = belly button = nombril

Chest = poitrine

Breasts = seins

Rib = côte

The waist = la taille

The back = le dos (backbone = colonne vertébrale)


Le visage (ou la figure) – The face

Anglais Français
Hair Cheveux
Forehead Front
Temple Tempe
Cheek Joue
Ear Oreille
Ear lobe Lobe d'oreille
Beard Barbe
Moustache Moustache
chin Menton
Nostrils Narines
Nose Nez
Eye Oeil
Eyebrow Sourcil
Eyelid Paupière
Eyelash Cils
Pupil Pupille
Iris Iris
Mouth Bouche
Lip Lèvre
Tongue Langue
Adam's apple Pomme d'adam


Les bras – The arms

Arm = bras

Shoulder = épaule

Hand = main

Wrist = poignet

Fist = poing

Fingers = doigts

Thumb = pouce

Nail = ongle

Elbow = coude

Armpit = aisselle


La main – The hand

Anglais Français
Thumb Pouce
Index finger Index
Middle finger Majeur
Ring finger Annulaire
Little finger, pinkie Auriculaire
Palm Paume de la main
Knuckle Phalange
Fingernail Ongle


Les jambes – The legs

Leg = jambe

Ankle = cheville

Foot = pied (au pluriel, on dit « feet« )

Knee = genou

Heel = talon

Toe = orteil

Hip = hanche

Bottom = backside = postérieur (en langage familier, on dit aussi souvent « ass« )

Penis = penis

Vagina = vagin


Pied – Foot

Foot se dit feet au pluriel ; voir l'article sur le pluriel irrégulier en anglais.

Anglais Français
Ankle Cheville
Arch Voute plantaire
Big toe Gros orteil
Toes Les orteils
Heel Talon

Biyernes, Oktubre 21, 2016

Verbes les Plus Utilisés en Anglais – Verbes communs importants et fréquents


Quitte à apprendre des mots, autant commencer par les plus utiles. Les verbes de cette liste ne sont pas classés par ordre de fréquence, mais simplement par ordre alphabétique.

Je vous propose aujourd'hui une liste des verbes anglais les plus couramment utilisés. On le sait, l'anglais est et restera encore quelques décennies LA langue internationale. C'est donc avant tout un outil de communication. Oubliez dans un premier temps la sacro-sainte grammaire et focalisez-vous plutôt sur le vocabulaire et sa prononciation. En d'autres termes, pensez à l'anglais comme outil et non comme idéal.

C'est dans cette optique que je vous propose cet article qui s'adresse exclusivement aux grands débutants et débutants. Il contient uneliste des verbes anglais de base qu'il faut absolument connaître pour envisager une communication en anglais. Elle n'est bien évidemment pas exhaustive. Dans le même esprit, les apprenants intermédiaires et avancés peuvent se référer à une liste des verbes anglais irréguliers de niveau cinquième car cette dernière est composée pour beaucoup de verbes fondamentaux. Cette liste est accompagnée d'un document oral grâce auquel vous pouvez retrouver la prononciation des verbes qui composent cette liste.


A vous de jouer !

Les 100 verbes

agree = être d'accord

allow = permettre

answer = répondre

ask = demander

be = être

become = devenir

begin = commencer

believe = croire

borrow = emprunter

break = casser

bring = apporter

build = construire

buy = acheter

call = appeler

carry = porter

change = changer

choose = choisir

close = fermer

come = venir

cut = couper

decide = décider

do = faire

dream = rêver

drink = boire

drive = conduire

eat = manger

explain = expliquer

fall = tomber

feel = sentir, ressentir

fill = remplir

find = trouver

finish = finir

follow = suivre

fly = voler

forget = oublier

get = get est un verbe qui possède une multitude de sens. Pour l'instant, retenons en deux principaux : tout d'abord recevoir, obtenir acquérir et le deuxième sens : devenir (exemple : it's getting late, he's getting thirsty etc.)

give = donner

go = aller

happen = se passer, se produit, arriver (dans le sens : “cela arrive”).

have = avoir

hear = entendre

help = aider

hold = tenir, attraper

keep = garder. (To keep + verbe en ing = continuer à. Exemple “to keep practicing” = “continuer à pratiquer”).

know = savoir

learn = apprendre

leave = partir, quitter

like = aimer (bien)

listen = écouter

live = vivre

look = regarder

lose = perdre

make = faire

mean = vouloir dire, signifier

meet = rencontrer / faire la connaissance de / se réunir

move = bouger / se déplacer

need = avoir besoin de

open = ouvrir

pay = payer

play = jouer

promise = promettre

put = mettre

read = lire

run = courir

say = dire

see = voir

sell = vendre

seem = sembler

send = envoyer

set = placer / monter / mettre en marche

show = montrer

sit = s'assoir

sleep = dormir

speak = parler

spend = dépenser / passer (du temps)

stand = se tenir debout, être debout

start = commencer

stop = arrêter

study = étudier

suggest = suggérer

take = prendre

talk = parler

teach = enseigner

tell = dire / raconter

think = penser

travel = voyager

try = essayer

turn = tourner

understand = comprendre

use = utiliser

wait = attendre

wake up = se réveiller

walk = marcher

want = vouloir

watch = regarder

win = gagner

work = travailler

worry = s'inquiéter

write = écrire

Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2016

Free Credit Card Knife 100% FREE! - The Best Credit Card Knife on the Net

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Conversation Anglais : Comment Commander un Repas



Une des choses à laquelle on s'expose en arrivant dans un nouveau pays est sa gastronomie !

Il est toujours excitant de goûter une nouvelle cuisine, surtout lorsque l'on est dans une grande ville telle que Londres, New York ou Sydney, dans lesquelles on est assuré d'y trouver des choses succulentes. Mais avant toute chose vous devez savoir commander dans un restaurant, en anglais.  Après tout, on a tous besoin de manger !

Comment lire un menu :

Le « menu » est divisé en plusieurs sections :

  • Le premier plat (first course), qui est appelé appetizer aux USA  et starter au Royaume-Uni

  • Le second plat (second course) qui vous sera proposé sera soit un « main course » (en Grande-Bretagne) soit une « entree » (aux Etats-Unis).(Ne pas confondre avec le terme français entrée. On parle bien ici de plat principal. Faites bien attention car vous pourriez vous retrouver avec un steak en guise d'entrée !).

Ensuite, si vous n'êtes pas rassasiés, il vous reste le meilleur…. Le « third course » !

  • Dessert, qu'il faut prononcer /dɪˈzɜːt /. Vous pouvez également choisir de prendre du fromage, mais il vous faudra payer le prix d'un menu complet + un supplément.

  • Une autre section du menu est surnommée drinks ou beverages. Commander des soft drinks comme du Coca-Cola ou du Fanta peut parfois sembler compliquer. Au Royaume-Uni on les appelle fizzy drinks. Aux Etats-Unis, les appellations varient pour prendre la forme de « soda », « pop » ou « coke » (même s'il ne s'agit pas de Coca-Cola). Pour être sûr d'obtenir la bonne boisson, demandez au serveur la marque (un Coca-Cola, un 7-Up ou un Pepsi par exemple) !

Vous commencez à avoir faim ? Voici comment commander :

La manière la plus simple de commander dans un restaurant est de commencer votre phrase par :

  • I will have the….

  • I'd like the….

  • Please can I have the…

  • I would like….

Exemple : I'll have the chicken burger and chips.

Bien se tenir au restaurant :

Le système de commande est différent en fonction des pays. Dans certains endroits, le serveur ou la serveuse vous apportera un menu. Dans d'autres il vous faudra le demander :

  • Please may I have a menu?

Il arrive que des restaurants aient une spécialité. Cela signifie qu'ils recommanderont un met particulier, ou « specials ». Vous pouvez alors demander :

  • What would you recommend from the menu?

  • Do you have any specials today?

On pourrait vous répondre :

“Yes, our special today is the delicious beef and rice” ou “I highly recommend the steak and chips”.

Quand doit-on laisser un pourboire :

Quand vous recevez l'addition vous pourrez voir apparaître « pourboire inclus ». Cependant, tous les restaurants ne l'incluent pas dans la note. Dans certains pays, il fait partie des coutumes de laisser un pourboire.

  • Au Royaume-Uni, il représente 10 à 12% du montant total du repas (boissons incluses). Par exemple, si le repas coûte £30, £3 de pourboire serait adéquate. Ce n'est cependant pas une obligation et vous êtes libres de fixer vous-même le montant du pourboire en fonction de la satisfaction que vous avez eu du service.

  • Aux Etats-Unis, le pourboire s'élève à 18-20% du montant total du repas (boissons incluses). Il est considéré comme impoli de ne rien donner, à moins que le service soit extrêmement mauvais.


Preparation / Inviting

Shall we go for a drink? On va boire un verre ?
Do you fancy a drink? Ça te dirait de prendre un verre quelque part ?
Would you like to come for a coffee? Vous voulez passer prendre le café ?
Shall we go and get something to eat? On va manger quelque chose ?
Would you like to eat? Est-ce que tu veux manger ?
Yes, with pleasure. Oui, avec plaisir.
I'm not hungry. Je n'ai pas faim.
I'm starving. Je crève la dalle / j'ai très faim.
Would you like to join us for lunch? Vous voulez vous joindre à nous pour le déjeuner ?
Where's the nearest pub? Où est le pub le plus proche ?
Where can we have dinner? Où pouvons-nous prendre le dîner ?
Some place not too expensive. Un endroit pas trop cher.
Could you recommend a good restaurant near here? Est-ce que vous pouvez nous recommander un bon restaurant dans le coin?
I'd like to go to a Italian restaurant. Je voudrais manger dans un restaurant italien.



Do we have to make a reservation? Est-ce que il faut réserver ?
A table for three for tonight, please. Une table pour trois pour ce soir, s'il vous plaît.
I'd like to make a reservation … je voudrais faire une réservation …
I 'd like to book a table … je voudrais faire une réservation …
… for Friday night … pour vendredi soir
for what time? pour quelle heure ?
… for 8:30 … pour 20h30
We'll come at 8 o'clock. Nous arriverons à 20 heures.
I would like a table by the window Je voudrais une table près de la fenêtre
I have a reservation (in the name of Peterson). J'ai réservé une table / j'ai une réservation (au nom de Peterson).
We're full (at the moment) Nous sommes complets (pour le moment)
Do you have any free tables? Vous avez des tables de libre ?
Can we sit over there? Pouvons-nous nous asseoir là-bas ?
Please wait to be seated. Attendez qu'on vous montre votre place, s'il vous plaît.
What time do you close? A quelle heure fermez-vous ?
Smoking or non-smoking fumeurs ou non fumeurs ?
We stop serving at midnight. Nous ne servons plus après minuit.



Waiter! Serveur!
Are you being served? On s'occupe de vous ?
Are you ready to order? Vous avez choisi ?
I'm not ready to order yet. Je ne suis pas encore prêt pour commander.
What can I get you? Qu'est-ce que je peux vous apporter ?
The menu, please. La carte, s'il vous plaît.
… here is the menu … voilà le menu
Do you have any snacks? Vous faîtes des encas ?
What is the dish of the day? Quel est le plat du jour ?
We would like to order. Nous voudrions commander.
what do you recommend? Que conseillez-vous?
What is the specialty of the house? Quelle est la spécialité de la maison ?
I would like … (meat, fish). je voudrais … (du poisson, de la viande).
I'll have … , please. je vais prendre … , s'il vous plaît.
me too moi aussi
Could you please bring me … ? Vous pouvez m'apporter … ?
For starters, I would like … Comme entrée je voudrais …
For main course he would like Comme plat principal il voudrait …
For dessert we would like Comme dessert nous voudrions …
What do you have for dessert? Qu'avez-vous comme dessert ?
We don't have any more … Nous n'avons plus de …
Nothing for me, thanks. Rien pour moi, merci.
How much is it? Combien ça coûte ?
How long will it take? Combien de temps cela prendra-t-il ?
anything else? et avec ça ?
that'll be all ce sera tout
What would you like to drink? Qu'est-ce que tu veux boire ?
The wine list, please. La carte des vins, svp.
To drink, I would like… Comme boisson, je voudrais …
I'll take a Guinness Je vais prendre une Guinness
Which beer would you like? Quelle bière vous voulez ?
I'll have a pint of lager Je prends une pinte de bière blonde.
Which wine would you like? Quel vin vous voulez ?
What kind of wine do you have? Quels vins avez-vous ?
I'll have a glass of red wine Je prendrai un verre de vin rouge
I would like a bottle of … Je voudrais une bouteille de …
We would like a glass of … (Bordeau, Chablis) Nous voudrions un verre de …
How much is a bottle? Combien coûte une bouteille ?
House wine is fine Le vin de table m'ira très bien.
Same again, please La même chose, s'il vous plaît.


I'm vegetarian Je suis végétarienne.
Do you serve vegetarian food? Servez-vous des plats végétariens ?
I don't eat meat Je ne mange pas de viande.
I'm allergic to … Je suis allergique à …
I'm on a diet Je suis au régime.
Could I have a fork, please Avez-vous une fourchette, svp ?
May I have some bread. Puis-je avoir du pain ?
That's enough, thanks. C'est assez, merci.
Would you please hurry? Pouvez-vous vous dépêcher ?
May I smoke? Puis-je fumer ?


Talking about

cheers! Tchin-tchin! / à la tienne / à votre santé!
(it was) very good c'était très bon
… a delight … un délice
… a treat … un régal
… delicious … délicieux
… tastless … insipide
it's disgusting c'est dégoûtant
It's cold c'est froid
it's very hot c'est très chaud
it's very spicy c'est très épicé
it's too greasy c'est trop gras
this is not cooked enough ce n'est pas assez cuit
this is over-cooked c'est trop cuit
this is not quite fresh. ce n'est pas très frais
the wine is corked le vin est bouché
the wine is excellent le vin est excellent
the wine is too cold le vin est trop froid



The bill / check [US], please l'addition, s'il vous plaît
I would like to pay now, please. Je voudrais payer maintenant, svp.
We are paying together /separately Nous payons ensemble / séparément
I think there is a mistake in the bill / check [US]. Je crois qu'il y a une erreur dans l'addition
You've charged me for five beer, but I had a tea. Vous m'avez compté cinq bières, mais j'ai seulement pris un thé.
I didn't order this. Je n'ai pas commandé cela.
How much do I owe Combien je vous dois ?
Do you take credit cards? Vous acceptez les cartes de crédits ?
Is service included? Est-ce que le service est inclus ?
Do you tip Est-ce que vous donnez du pourboire ?
Let's share the bill? On partage l'addition ?
Let me pay my share. Laissez-moi payer ma part.
It's on me! The bill is on me! Je t'invite!
Keep the change! Gardez la monnaie!



How do you feel? Comment ça va ?
I've got a hangover J'ai la gueule de bois
I feel fine Je me sens bien
I drank too much yesterday J'ai trop bu hier


It's written

Reserved Réservé
No smoking Interdiction de fumer
Service included Service inclus
No vacant tables Pas de table libre
Private party Privé

Eurocatering, le vocabulaire du restaurant dans six langues européennes | Thot Cursus

Environnement d'apprentissage immersif. Vocabulaire utilisé dans un bar ou un restaurant.

Conversations en anglais : Commander au restaurant

Alors, vous êtes prêt à apprendre l'anglais ? Le département d'État a des ressources phénoménales pour les profs d'anglais et les apprenants à tous niveaux.

Conversation Anglais : Comment Commander un Repas | Apprendre l'Anglais Rapidement et Plus Facilement que Jamais

  COMMENT PASSER UNE COMMANDE DANS UN RESTAURANT EN ANGLAIS ? Une des choses à laquelle on s'expose en arrivant dans un nouveau pays est sa gastronomie ! Il est toujours excitant de goûter une…

Lunes, Oktubre 17, 2016

Conversation en Anglais, A la Banque | Apprendre l'Anglais Rapidement et Plus Facilement que Jamais

  Ted aimerait retirer de l'argent à la Banque et déposer un chèque sur son compte bancaire. Écoutez attentivement cette conversation entre Ted et Betty Next please. How may I help you? …

Biyernes, Oktubre 14, 2016

Cours d'anglais accéléré



Apprendre l'anglais n'est pas toujours chose facile. Les méthodes classiques d'apprentissage des langues dans les écoles et les instituts ne sont plus toujours adaptées aux publics contemporains. Leurs prix élevés, leurs horaires et leurs dates ne répondent plus aux besoins de flexibilité des nouveaux apprenants.

D'autre part, la plupart des écoles traditionnelles proposant des cours d'anglais intensifs n'offrent que des classes bondées et des cours non personnalisés où des élèves de niveaux très différents doivent travailler au sein d'un même cadre d'apprentissage, mal adapté à chacun.

Apprendre une langue, c'est comme faire de la peinture : on progresse par petites touches, on corrige ses erreurs, on apprend de nouveaux mots, on améliore sa prononciation, on s'habitue aux différents accents etc…

Tout ça prend du temps et ce n'est pas sur une semaine de cours intensif que vous pouvez le faire.

L'apprentissage en ligne est beaucoup plus efficace que les méthodes classiques, puisqu'il permet de corriger tous les inconvénients inhérents aux institutions traditionnelles. En offrant une flexibilité totale aux étudiants, mais également la possibilité d'apprendre l'anglais pour un coût largement inférieur aux prix pratiqués traditionnellement, l'apprentissage en ligne permet également à chaque élève de recevoir des cours personnalisés, en fonction de son niveau et de sa progression.

Apprendre une langue doit être un plaisir, c'est l'occasion de découvrir une nouvelle culture.

Pour revenir à l'apprentissage de l'anglais, vous devez trouver des moyens de rendre votre apprentissage agréable.

Pour cela, n'hésitez pas à vous servir des éléments culturels dont on a déjà parlé, films, musique etc…

Cela vous permet de travailler votre anglais sans vous stresser et vous allez beaucoup mieux retenir ce que vous apprenez.

Je vous recommande fortement de trouver la méthode et les supports qui vous conviennent, ceux qui vous permettent de vous faire plaisir.


Qu'en pensez-vous ? Avez-vous déjà pris un cours d'anglais de ce type ? En avez-vous retiré quelque chose ?

Répondez-moi dans les commentaires, juste en dessous de cet article.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 12, 2016

Martial Arts Training - Using a Pen For Self-Defense

One of the most significant issues with the majority of martial arts training programs, is the tendency to restrict yourself to only discovering the "main" weapons of your picked style. The option is to obtain the Ninja's ability to see beyond the kind of any specific weapon, and recognize the reality that anything can be pushed into service as a weapon, and a help for your very own individual defense.

This post explores the idea of utilizing a common ballpoint pen defense as a self-defense weapon. Of course, you can feel free to replace a pencil, marker, or any other product that is of comparable sizes and shape.

Among the factors for learning to use a pen for self-defense is that they are so readily offered. And, for many people, they either bring or have access to at least one throughout the course of a typical workday. This availability element makes the pen an excellent option.

Of course, it's "common-ness" also makes it essentially undetectable to everyone - including your aggressor - who only think of apparent weapons like guns, knives, clubs, etc

. As a place to begin your training and understanding of how to use a basic pen as an effective self defense weapon, the following techniques are offered as examples of how reliable this weapon can be in a real-world self-protection circumstance.

" There in a pinch" - The small size and natural shape of a pen makes it easy to manipulate in your hand. It's also not required to conform your hand to the weapon, as you pertain to other weapons such as a firearm.

That being stated, you can hold the pen in your hand so that you can use discomfort methods by pinching his skin in between your thumb and the shaft of your new preferred weapon. The ears, lips, and the thin, delicate skin on the within the upper arms and the sides of the neck make ideal targets for this "tricky little Ninja technique!"

"Getting your point throughout" - By grasping the shaft of the pen, and holding it like a spike or dagger, allows you to jab and stab. You can also hold the pen as you would for the pinching methods above - enabling you to stab and snag whatever parts of his body get close enough for you to make the most of.

"Mightier than the sword" - In today's world, bring a sword might cause you to stick out in a crowd. Do you concur?

But, we can still borrow some lessons and usages of the warrior's most treasured weapon and use them utilizing the pen. This principle will, except in really rare circumstances, entirely puzzle and overwhelm your aggressor.

While you can scrape the pen and slash throughout his body targets, this apparent use is not exactly what I'm referring to. Exactly what I'm talking about here is "drawing" the pen in the middle of the attack - similar to the master warrior draws his sword when the assaulter will not see it coming!

Imagine bring the pen in your t-shirt pocket and then, while you were preventing an inbound punch and bringing your hand as much as cover ...

... you simultaneously pulled the weapon using the natural motion of your hand and arm. Similar to a master magician conceals his relocations, your enemy will never see the pen in your hand, and will be entirely confused and overwhelmed as he tries to make sense of the damage, discomfort, and injuries that are being brought on by, what he thinks is, your "empty" fist!

Naturally, this post can only be a standard intro to utilizing the pen for self-defense. If you wish to take this additional and make it a part of your martial arts training curriculum, then I suggest getting details on utilizing the Kubotan: Self-defense keychain as a basis for your training.

Are you looking for efficient, tried and true, and proven self defense skills?, right now and discover the tricks to mastering the art of efficient, real-world self defense versus today's violent attackers.

Martes, Oktubre 11, 2016

How to Stop Early Ejaculation and Add Minutes to Your Next Sex Session

The number one sexual issue for guys-- besides perhaps finding a sexual partner-- is early ejaculation. Not being able to satisfy your partner sexual prior to you ejaculate is an issue that as much as 40% of men deal with. PE is not only awkward, but it can drain you mentally. It can likewise put a big stress on a relationship and cause unfaithful, as well as other negative effects.

Early Ejaculation is usually specified as when a guy is not able to last more than 2 minutes, isn't really able to satisfy his partner more than 50% of the time, or when the failure to last causes distress to one or both partners. Put simply, if you if you climax quicker than your partner desires, regularly, then you have a PE issue.

There are a few causes of early ejaculation, as well as many methods to prevent premature ejaculation. Some believe that genes contribute, stress, stress and anxiety, hormones, previous experiences, etc. No matter what the reason may be, there are natural ways to cure premature ejaculation and avoid it from resurfacing.

Among the best workouts to prevent early ejaculation is to discover how to manage your pelvic muscles. The best aspect of controlling your pelvic muscles is that it needs no creams, tablets, creams, or capacious quantities of details to learn.

While sexual therapists and therapists have actually recommended and mentioned the incredible benefits that occur with having a strong PC muscle for many years, many males are still uninformed of how great it can be at treating premature ejaculation.

Superior sexual endurance all starts with strong, well-toned pelvic muscles that you can entirely relax at will, while having the ability to clamp down tightly for an excellent few minutes when you have to. To have these abilities available, you need to begin a day-to-day routine of workouts to enhance these muscles. Off, you need to understand where your PC muscle is to begin training it.

To find your PC muscle, the next time you make your method to the restroom, stop your urine midway. The muscle that is blocking your urine circulation is your PC muscle, and you need to tone it by clenching and holding it for a couple of seconds, slowly working your method up till you have the ability to hold the clench for about 20 seconds. These regimens must be performed day-to-day - either with a semi-erect or totally drooping penis.

Another main perpetrator of premature ejaculation is stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety is available in many kinds, but when it pertains to PE, the main 2 would need to be: infrequent sex, causing over enjoyment which manifests itself into the bed room, and the feeling that you're not going to last longer enough to satisfy your partner, which likewise has harmful effects inside the bed room.

Stress and anxiety reduction is different for everybody, however interaction is absolutely a terrific start for stopping PE. Having an understanding partner will not just put your mind at ease and make you more comfy, however it will also bring you closer together. Communication truly is crucial here! There are even a lot of early ejaculation exercises that include penetration that you can do with your partner to help cure your premature ejaculation.

Another highly recommendable early ejaculation treatment is exactly what is called the start-stop method. Although it may seem like self-torture, it is really reliable at treating premature ejaculation.

Exactly what you wish to do here is stimulate yourself up till the minute you have to climax, then cease stimulation. The idea here is to build up your tolerance and be familiar with your body better by learning your specific stimulation levels. As soon as you understand your exact stimulation levels and patterns, you will be able to stop yourself from reaching the "tipping" or moment of truth, thus leading to better ejaculation control.

PE prevention is simpler than it sounds, and there is no need for expensive pills, creams, lotions, or unique prophylactics with the right PE methods available. Do not squander your money or let early ejaculation trigger you additional shame or destroy another relationship.

The Untold Premature Ejaculation Treatment Tricks - Do You Want Me To Reveal The Secrets?

If you are looking for reliable unknown early ejaculation treatment, this is the post for you. This article shares with you some very effective and proven early ejaculation treatment that you can use immediately to delay your ejaculation and improve your bed performance. The treatment can be divided into 2 stages, they are - treatment "prior to sex" and treatment "throughout sex", and they are really easy and simple to practice. Premature ejaculation treatment that you can do at anytime and anywhere before sex is none aside from doing the ideal exercises. Studies have actually revealed that one of the most reliable ways to improve a guy's sexual performance is to practice some unique workouts which will assistance them last longer in bed. All sorts of exercises have actually been developed by doctors to strengthen the men's pelvic floor muscle.

An incredibly popular one is called "Kegel" workout. This exercise was first produced for woman but was later on discovered to be likewise assistancing guys in overcoming premature ejaculation. It has since then, become a popular early ejaculation treatment. In addition to doing the best exercise, taking the right and balanced diet plan all the time is also extremely important. Foods with low fat and cholesterol assistance greatly in delaying ejaculation. This will assist your blood to flow freely to the penis and enable it to stay put up at that "critical" time. Now, having actually covered the early ejaculation treatment that you can practice during regular days and before sex, I'm going to show you 3 tested treatments which you can embrace throughout sex time to wow your partner.

# 1 Specific Breathing Strategy Improper breathing can cause premature ejaculation. A fast brief burst of breaths that features the enjoyment "forces" your body to release sexual tension through ejaculation - which typically occurs prematurely! While breathing is an unconscious or uncontrolled act, consciously manage your inhalation and exhalation pattern could be a very effective premature ejaculation treatment.

A controlled and "planned" inhalation and exhalation would decrease your heart rate and metabolic process which will eventually assist in delaying ejaculation.

# 2 Teasing Technique In addition to practicing the right breathing technique, your "teasing" technique right prior to or throughout sex also plays an essential role in preventing premature ejaculation. Quick, unrelenting penetration is often the reason for early ejaculation. To prevent that, attempt to go slow in the penetration procedure. Start in a teasing way first. Tease her vaginal area entrance and her clitoris utilizing the tip of your penis prior to penetration. Then permeate just the first 1 or 2 inches of her vaginal area. This area of the vagina contains delicate nerve endings that will produce the most extreme, pleasurable experiences for your woman. Besides providing the pleasure that your lady is worthy of in the sex procedure, this sluggish and teasing penetration likewise assistances you to keep your arousal under control and prevent it from intensifying and hitting the point of no return prematurely.

# 3 Squeezing Strategy "Squeezing" is an emergency technique to use when you are experiencing an impending early ejaculation. If you feel an impending early ejaculation during penetration, simply pull out your penis from the vaginal area and use your fingers to squeeze the shaft simply below the glans/head. This will immediately decrease the desire to ejaculate. Just resume penetration after you feel that you are in control of your arousal. The above are some of the early ejaculation treatment that you can aim to enhance your bed efficiency. The treatment if carried out properly with the best guidance, would help in delaying ejaculation and enable you and your partner to delight in the love making process.

Lunes, Oktubre 10, 2016

How Can Premature Ejaculation Be Successfully Treated?

Not lasting much time throughout sex is an issue that countless people battle with. In truth, fast sexual performances can be extremely disturbing and for many people it harms their sex life. Rapid ejaculation can be dealt with.

People have different definitions of rapid ejaculation. Some health specialists have attempted to define it based mostly on the length of time intimacy lasts, for example specifying that a male that aren't able to last longer than four minutes struggles with it.

I opt to look at it a little differently. When a male does not have complete control over when he orgasms, I think that quick ejaculation takes place. When his scarcity of control has an effect on his sex-life in a negative method then it's plainly a concern.

If you 'd like to raise your endurance in the bedroom, there is nothing to be embarrassed of. Various males fit in the above classification and want to improve their sexual endurance.

The initial action is comprehending that in spite of the fact that it's a problem right now, it's a condition that can be fixed. Having to worry about not being able to last very long during sexual relations can be incredibly troubling. Exactly what can a person do about it?

By using the appropriate action strategy, you can get total control over the length of time you last. If your enthusiast is left unfulfilled and can acquire an entirely new level of satisfaction from having sex, you do not have to constantly get fretted about.

There a few various techniques that you can utilize. With the correct quantity of effort you will observe outcomes within a percentage of time.

You enhance a group of your muscles that you use when ejaculating. The PC muscles can be exercised which can improve your endurance in the bed room. Not only can you in fact increase your ejaculatory control, but you will likewise receive more powerful orgasms just from working your PC muscles.

Self-awareness exercises are the most important step in your journey to increase your sexual endurance. Here you will master ways to better acknowledge the phases of stimulation and how you can manage your orgasms. When you're prepared to have an orgasm, doing this will provide you a far greater ability to select precisely.

You can see results quickly when putting into action the ideal program. This is a quick technique to grow to be a much better sexual partner. The modification you will experience is absolutely worth the little effort it requires. With an elevated confidence and total control over when you orgasm, your sex-life will substantially enhance.

Finest Treatment for Early Ejaculation Will Increase Your Staying Power in Bed

The other name for premature ejaculation is quick ejaculation. This is a typical problem, normally impacts the guys below 40 years. It is a typical type of sexual dysfunction. Specialists specify this issue as a condition in which ejaculation takes place prior to the wishes of both sexual partners. For males this is the most awkward condition. The individual impacted by this problem of PE slowly lowers the confidence. It leaves a demoralizing impact on both partners.

There are lots of reasons for PE. A few of its crucial causes are:

Mental causes likewise plays an essential function in incident of the problem of PE. Some important mental issues are stress, anxiety, emotion and so on


3. A stress in the mind of a male that how he is likely to carry out.

4. Some biological elements like infection in urinary tract etc

. One and only one essential sign of early ejaculation is the rapid or previously ejaculation instantly after penetration. This symptom results in the humiliating condition of both the partners.

There are lots of herbal supplements which are extremely helpful and reliable in dealing with the problem of early ejaculation. One which is extremely recommended and relied on natural item by guys as the best cure for early ejaculation around the world is NF Cure pills which can be easily acquired through online web shops.

Yoga assists a lot in treating this issue of premature ejaculation. No specific yoga is said to be the treatment for the problem of PE however indirectly doing yoga helps a lot in treating this problem of premature ejaculation. Doing yoga produces harmony and also results in the sense of well being which in turn reflects to your character and self-confidence. Doing regular exercises and yoga assists to increase and enhance up our circulatory system, increase the resistance and also detoxify your body. Yoga increases the stamina, versatility and the endurance of our body. It also condition the different muscles of our body.

In addition of doing yoga, you need to likewise take some natural active ingredients which assist a man in living a much healthier sexual life. It is a reliable beverage which is useful in treating the issue of premature ejaculation.

Learn Ways to Stop Premature Ejaculation Naturally And Without Drugs or creams

For some guys quick ejaculation may be a constant stress and the truth is that it can occur to practically any male without notice. For adult males all over the world premature ejaculation is often a big concern. Any male might be stricken by it at any moment in their daily lives and studies has discovered that some 75% of all guys experience premature ejaculation during their lives. You must understand though that you can stop premature ejaculation naturally and without requiring expensive ointments, jaunts or sprays to the medical professional.

In this short article we will deal with a few of the more typical types of stopping early ejaculation by natural methods. The first thing you have to do is really attempt to comprehend why you are experiencing PE to begin with. If you possibly could identify the reason for the concern then you can resolve the circumstance.

Great deals of males assume that quick ejaculation is in fact a result of over stimulation of the body nevertheless the truth is that normally fast ejaculation remains in reality caused by over stimulation of the mind. Researchers have revealed that adult males whom rushed through sexual experiences throughout their teenage years as a result of stress and anxiety about been found out or considered that they felt embarassment stood at much larger possibility of battling with premature ejaculation in later life.

The difficulty with early ejaculation is that when you have actually coped with it for a long time it can then lead you to be troubled about it happening during your subsequent sexual situations so when you focus on wishing to avoid it from happening after that it essentially will become your truth.

Adult men stress that they should measure up to their enthusiasts expectations when it concerns sexual intercourse and this might lead males to actually feel troubled throughout the build up to sex. In addition, sex is an extremely satisfying thing for a man. So that unsafe mix of anticipation and stress and anxiety generally leads to early ejaculation after which it develops into a vicious circle throughout the next love-making encounters.

You can avoid early ejaculation though and here's a few workouts you can attempt to assist. You could perhaps to begin with feel somewhat uncomfortable attempting these exercises out together with your companion however you have to be genuine with them and with any luck they're going to give you find and support that its important to you and certainly will enhance your sex-life gradually.

Workout 1: Take a fracture at Squeezing The Suggestion

You can teach your body to hold back on climaxing. During sex when you notice your system getting near ejaculation you must pull out plus squeeze the bottom of your member with your index finger and thumb up until ultimately you don't sense that you need to ejaculate. Release after the sensation has actually gone and wait a couple of seconds prior to beginning sex.

Exercise 2: Attempt pushing your back.

In research study which have been performed it's been shown that males who lay on their back throughout sexual intercourse have the capability to control their ejaculation far better. Because that a guy's male organ is in a position which is less hypersensitive, this is simply. Attempt this position however additionally, additionally try other positions to see which will help postpone climaxing.

Exercise 3: Masturbate ahead of time.

One of the better ways to get rid of all the anxiousness and enjoyment that may trigger early ejaculation is for a guy to climax a couple of hours previously should they have the time. A great deal of guys can then last a lot longer while having sex if they don't possess the accumulation of anxiety and excitement that features getting excited about sex with their spouses.

As you can see it is possible to stop premature ejaculation naturally and if you practice these workouts and have a passionate, patient partner to assist you.

A Guide on the Causes of Premature Ejaculation

There are a number of possible reasons for premature ejaculation, inning accordance with medical professionals that focus their expert time on work in urology, reproductive health, psychological health, and sexual health. Premature ejaculation is typically described as "PE"; nevertheless, there are lots of that now refer to this sexual based complication as "Rapid Ejaculation". While a humiliating issue for the males that experience it, physician concur that from all the different kinds of sexual dysfunction, this condition is considered to be one of the most common. It is important to comprehend the causes so that you might identify a suitable solution for the problem if you or someone that you know suffers from this condition. Throughout this guide, you will find out about the numerous reasons for premature ejaculation.

Diagnostic Requirements

When recognizing the causes of premature ejaculation, it is initially important to understand exactly what this condition is and to become familiar with the diagnostic requirements that medical professionals utilize in order to diagnose the concern. The most standard of all definitions associated with early ejaculation is that it is a medical condition that results in an orgasm prior to that which the people engaged in sexual activity desire. This assists in identifying the underlying causes of the condition.

Psychological Causes

The majority of physician concur that when it pertains to prospective causes of premature ejaculation, there appear to be a lot of mental aspects included. To this day, there are no natural based diseases that are understood to include the male reproductive organs or tract that lead to the start of rapid ejaculation. It is very important to keep in mind, however, that many parts of the male body are impacted by this kind of sexual dysfunction. These parts consist of the following:

• The Penis

• The Testicles

• The Prostate

• The Critical Blisters

• The Central Nervous System

• The Peripheral Nervous System

• The Brain

Due to the fact that of the reality that so lots of parts of the body are or could be affected by early ejaculation, medical specialists think that the condition might be triggered by mental complications, but have actually not yet ruled out the truth that physiological issues might be to blame. Typical psychological issues might consist of performance stress and anxiety, varying degrees of tension, nervousness, and even preconceived ideas on what is considered to be "right" and "wrong" when it pertains to sexual encounters.

Physiological Causes

As specified formerly, numerous doctor think psychological complications may be to blame when it concerns quick ejaculation, however the concept of physiological issues has actually not been ruled out. There are several medical professionals that have actually proposed that there are complications related to the basic conduction of the nerves which as an outcome of these complications, the nervous system may experience latency problems. In some case studies, hormonal imbalances have actually been considered to be a reason for premature ejaculation. Nevertheless, there are numerous that believe that lots of males may experience hypersensitivity in and around the penis and this could be the culprit. No matter exactly what the possible causes of premature ejaculation are, it is necessary to understand and know that there are natural methods available that will help a male in conquering this embarrassing form of sexual dysfunction.